Pecan Pie


Best. Pie. Ever.

Brian absolutely loves pecan pie. When his birthday rolled around a few weeks ago, and I asked him what he wanted me to make for dinner, he said “Pecan pie”. I replied “Ok, I can make that for dessert. What do you want for dinner?” … “Pecan pie.” OK. Point taken, Brian. I went through my google reader and saved recipes for a while, then compiled a list of a few recipes to show him, so he could pick the one that appealed to him most. He picked this one (which is good. It’s the one I wanted to make most too! Great minds, and all that)


1 unbaked pie crust (I used Brian’s mom’s apple pie crust recipe, which I’m not allowed to share with the world 🙁 )

1 cup white sugar

2 tbsp. brown sugar

¼ tsp. salt

1 cup corn syrup

1/3 cup melted butter

3 eggs, beaten

¼ tsp. vanilla

1 heaping cup chopped pecans




Pre-heat the oven to 350°. Place the rolled out pie crust in a 9″ pie pan. (I would say to make the edges all pretty, but as  you can see from the photos that follow, my pretty-pie-making skills are somewhat lacking.) Place the pecans into the crust and set it aside.




Mix together sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, salt, butter, vanilla & the beaten eggs until all well combined.



Doesn’t that look yummy already?


Pour the syrup mixture over the pecans into the crust. The pecans will rise up to the top of the syrup mix.




Bake for 50 minutes, until crust is a light golden. (Don’t burn the pecans. They’ll be very bitter.)


The pie will be very runny and sloshy when you first take it out of the oven. Let cool for several hours before serving. Mine was best the next day.


Source: The Pioneer Woman Cooks

  1. Mmmmm pecan pie!
    "Waiter….waiter, there is too much pepper in my poppy-kosh" (or whatever he says)…love that movie! : )

  2. I would be proud to partake of your pecan piiiiiiiiiiiiiie 🙂

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