Cinnamon Apple Squash

I bought a butternut squash and an acorn squash at our farmers market a few weeks ago and never got around to using them. I finally decided to do something with them today but I couldn’t decide what. I finally just threw each squash into the oven and concocted this tasty little mix to go with our dinner. It was easy and fairly maintenance-free.


1 whole butternut squash
1 acorn squash
3/4-1 Cup apple cider
2-3 Tbls cinnamon
2-3 Tbls brown sugar
8-10 baking apples


Slice both squash in half length-wise and place skin-side up in a 9×13 glass pan. Add just enough water that the bottom of the pan is covered. Bake for 45 minutes at 350, or just long enough that the squash is easy to cut/chunk (pokes easily with a fork, but not squishy).

Remove squash from the pan and cut into 2-3 inch chunks, removing the skin. Place in a crock pot on low heat.

Peel apples and dice into 1 inch cubes/slices. Add to crock pot.

Add cider and cinnamon to the crock pot. Cook on low for 6-7 hours.

Before serving add brown sugar and mix well.

Source: Me