Category: breakfast

Overnight Apple French Toast

An oldie, but a goodie. I can remember childhood mornings, waking up and walking into the kitchen to find my mom pulling this glorious breakfast out of the oven. It was one of my favorites and yet somehow I kind of forgot about it for a few years there. Then...


The summer I turned 16 I was fortunate enough to spend a few weeks traveling through Europe. I went on a whirlwind visit with a choir tour to 7 countries in 16 days (and, how awesome is this?! I got to sing in Notre Dame on my 16th birthday. That...

Whole Grain Waffles

These waffles are too good for my waffle maker. My waffle maker SUCKS. I mean, really. What did I expect? We bought for $7 years ago. Obviously it wasn’t the highest craftmanship possible. However, after many, many failed batches of really gross homemade waffles, and a bit of tenacity (read:...

Homemade Yogurt

There are certain foods that we just seem to associate with store-bought and, for my family at least, yogurt seems to be one of them. However, I love any chance to break through the status quo and challenge myself. Now, I can safely say with conviction that our yogurt will...

Biscuits and Gravy

The ultimate comfort breakfast! I made this a few weeks ago, along with Buttermilk Biscuits. This was excellent- the only change we made to it was to double the gravy, adding more grease to the pan along with the gravy ingredients. Sausage Biscuits and Gravyprint this recipe Ingredients:1 lb breakfast...

Snickerdoodle Scones

I can count on one hand the number of times in my life that I have eaten scones. The first time is a food memory that will forever be burned in my mind- it was awful! I mean really and truly horrible. So for years afterwards I assumed that scones...

Buttermilk pancakes

Oh yum I had some buttermilk left over from all the muffins I’ve been making so I decided to give this recipe a try. When it popped up on my google reader I knew I had to try it soon. Part way through mixing together the ingredients I realized that...