Freezer foods post-baby

As we’re getting closer to D-day we’re starting to make up some foods to put in the freezer for post-birth. We had some of this done with Rebecca and it was nice to once in a while not have to worry about making dinner. We’ve kept it up a little bit in the last few years, just because it’s an easy and cheap way to have a dinner for later on done and over with. No extra hassle making a double versus single batch of something!

I’m starting to compile a list of what we can make. As I make each thing we’re marking it well with what it is, the date it was made and any instructions (ie- “re-heat & add cooked noodles”, “needs to bake for X minutes at X degrees”, or simply “re-heat”). We’re then going to put the list of what’s already in our freezer on the refrigerator so that we don’t have to dig through it forever to figure out what we have. The beginnings of our lists are as follows.

Dinner meals:
Sausage spinach pasta
Enchiladas (I also have a bag of just the cooked chicken/filling for the enchiladas frozen)
Beef Stroganoff
Beef stew
Pot Roast
Macaroni and cheese
Chicken Pot Pie
Sloppy Joes
Taco meat

Other items:
hot dog/hamburger buns
edit to add: cookies! As one reader reminded me, you can freeze cookie dough balls! (Incidentally, they’re quite tasty frozen. Proof to this: I made a batch of cookies last week and froze the whole thing. Brian has already eaten all of them straight from the fridge)

We’re continually adding to this list and I welcome any and all suggestions!

  1. LOL, I LOVE frozen cookie dough. Chocolate chip is my favorite. 🙂

    Also, I froze some meals for a friend when she had her first baby and I blogged it. Most of it you already have on your list but some if you do not!

  2. This is a great list! I will need something like this in September/October!

  3. Hi, interesting post. I have been thinking about this issue,so thanks for blogging. I will probably be subscribing to your posts. Keep up the good work

  4. That's true! I actually just froze an entire batch of peanut butter cookie dough balls a week ago. Granted, my husband has already eaten all of them….

  5. I was actually just thinking about freezer meals since I've been so busy lately so thank you for this post.

    Another thing to add though is cookies…. you can freeze the dough in premade balls and just bake a few at a time. This is my new favorite thing to do!

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